Coldline was founded by Giovanni Bagante and Giovanni Freddi in 1995 with the aim of creating a business specialising in the production of professional refrigerating equipment.
Over the past 20 years a lot has changed in the catering world: the layout of the kitchen, staff training, preparation techniques as well as the technologies used for the preservation of food. Coldline has reacted to these changes by developing and innovating a range of products that are considered to be the best in the refrigeration market for meeting the needs of the modern kitchen.
The consolidation of Coldline as an international brand has come about due to its success with projects such as: “FSS”, Fast Service System which is an example of the company’s ability to innovate, allowing a faster and more efficient after-sales service; The “VISION” range, that includes blast chillers, retarder provers and storage units which has taken the kitchen to a higher level, using a technology that manages temperature, humidity and air flow; The “LIFE” range which has revolutionised the performance and usability of the blast chiller for use in the home.